Take to your health care provider to see what’s right for you
Reduce or stop substances that worsen mood
- alcohol, it’s a downer to mood
- marijuana, hashish, and party drugs can lower mood
- depression can be effectively treated even if still using alcohol or drugs
Make sure your physical health has been checked
- review any prescription or over the counter medications or supplements
- thyroid hormone or blood sugar problems might cause depression symptoms
- low iron, hemoglobin or vitamin B12 levels might cause low energy
Learn what’s happening in your body, sleep and eating rhythms
- clinical depression causes real physical symptoms such as lo energy, disturbed sleep and appetite, difficulty concentrating, feeling irritable or agitated
- it doesn’t mean you’re weak, crazy, or not trying hard, it’s not you fault
Specific anti-depression counseling talk therapy-CBT or IPT
- depression distorts and exaggerates the negative, making things seem worse or hopeless- you catastrophize, personalize, focus on the negative, unfair to yourself
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy helps you examine your thinking habits and behaviours and correct these with skills to improve mood and prevent depression
- Interpersonal Therapy helps you figure out how relationship problems (work, family, friends) may be repeating, and causing or contributing to depression
- set healthy limits and boundaries in relationships and how to say no (assertiveness training)
- Self help books on CBT, IPT or peer support organizations, employee assistance can help
Finances, Money, Housing, Work
- Address finances, housing and employment – Social worker or community supporter
- Recommended antidepressant medications and other physical treatments
- check with you health care provider for medications that may be best for you
- most take three or four weeks to start working
- are not addictive – take regularly as recommended – don’t stop abruptly
- helps put brain chemical imbalance back in to their normal natural balance
- exercise helps mood and prevents depression – if and when you’re able
- Light therapy for seasonal depression (only use a special light therapy light)
- ECT – electro-convulsive therapy may be effective (it’s not like in the movies)